5 ways to stay connected to distant grandchildren (Mokopuna)

One of the greatest joys of retirement is being able to spend more time with family and our mokopuna.
While as many as 10,000 grandparents are raising their grandchildren in New Zealand, there are plenty at the other end of the spectrum who live a long distance apart, and don’t get to see their grandkids very often.
But that doesn’t mean you have to lose touch or miss out on their lives. Here are five ways to stay connected to your mokopuna.
1. Introduce them to postcards
Do you remember how exciting it was to receive something in the mail as a kid? Something addressed specifically to you?
Postcards are an incredibly fun and easy way to stay in touch with the grandkids. They’ll love the variety of images on the cards, and the short-form text makes it more accessible for young kids who aren’t up to reading or writing full letters just yet.
2. Offer free babysitting
Childcare affordability in New Zealand has been announced as the most expensive in the world, so it’s no wonder that Kiwi parents are turning to their own parents to help out with babysitting.
So even if there’s travel costs involved to get you to them or vice versa, any offer of free babysitting while the parents are away could be taken up with great enthusiasm. As an added bonus, it will give you a chance to stay connected with the little ones.
3. Read them bedtime stories
Reading a bedtime story to a grandchild is a simple, cosy pleasure. Just because you’re far away, it doesn’t mean you can’t partake in this nighttime routine.
Set up a recurring night each week where you can jump on a video call with your mokopuna to say hello and read them a bedtime story. If the time zones don’t work well, try filming yourself reading a story and sending the video through so they can watch as they’re being tucked in.
Better yet, for our more advanced readers, send them the book you’re reading so they can follow along in person as well.
4. Download the apps and start an online hobby together
Apps and technology can make it so much easier to stay connected these days.
The dedicated communication apps, such as WhatsApp or Viber, are an obvious choice. You can send messages, make calls, send gifs, and more.
But not all kids are going to be excited about sending updates, so don’t forget about other forms of communication. You could do the Wordle each day and share your results, or play other online games like virtual trivia or chess where you can stay in touch in a fun way. There are a variety of different online games you can turn into hobbies with your grandchildren.
5. Send packages
Finally, who doesn’t love receiving a fun package in the mail? Even if it’s only a few cheap toys, something tasty, and a letter, you could make their week and make them excited to check the mail each day.
After all, isn’t it a grandparent’s prerogative to spoil their grandkids with frivolous toys and treats?
While you’re taking all these steps to connect with the youngest generation of your family, it could be a good time to consider your legacy for them. Taking out Seniors Life Insurance could help to set them up with a head start in life should the worst occur.
7 Jan 2025